My goal is to change the shoe industry

Mi objetivo es cambiar la industria del calzado

Do you need advice for your company? Do you want your company to be more sustainable?

My projects

Arttlr Studio

Design studio created in 2019. Focused on consulting for footwear companies with the values of sustainability and continuous improvement.

Tallat Shoe Solutions

Footwear auxiliary company founded in 2022 specialized in the production of high-end footwear.

Tsunami project

Circular economy project based on the fight against textile waste. Founded in 2022 together with the activist Alejandra Zaragoza


Since 2020, he has been carrying out one of his passions, which is training professionals in the sector and the new generations that join the footwear sector.

Upcoming events

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Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia
Financiado por la Unión Europea. NextGenerationEU